My father was an absolutely wonderful human being. From him I learned to always assume positive intent. Whatever anybody says o
My father was an absolutely wonderful human being. From him I learned to always assume positive intent. Whatever anybody says o
This is the film that, for me, elevated animation above cartoons into serious art.
Viva YouTube!
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Very cool…
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In Hindu literature, there is a Sanskrit word, <a href=””
SympathyIs it selfish to choose happiness when others are miserable? On the one hand, I think the answer is no. The concl
Raising Happy ChildrenIf happiness is simply a choice, then it is a disservice for parents to “make” their children happy
Between Order and ChaosContinuous despair is both undesirable and dangerous, but continuous joy can be boring. Most peopl
It’s All About PerspectiveAnushka got me thinking
India is at a stage where everything we are accustomed to in western life is available. However, the large-scale population, the middle of t
Having seen countless good and bad PowerPoint presentations and produced several of my own, I wanted to publish what I consider the most imp
In a previous post, I described the joy I derive from crystallizing the model of a sy
A key aspect of Web 2.0 is tagging, the ability of people to assign keywords to web resources, be they del.ici
The promise of accumulating certain things, and the threat of losing those things seems to spur people to action:
नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते ।
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् ॥
John Schiech, President of DeWalt was asked what made his company so successful. His answer: <b
I was saddened a few mornings ago to hear of the death of Arthur C. Clarke, one of my (and, indeed, the world’s) favorite science fiction au
I have observed project managers who provide fine-grained, long-term estimates of project effort. For example, the effort estimate may be ex
The biggest successes in business have been (or at least have been portrayed as) those individuals or companies who could deliver a product
I’ve taken some ribbing for spending time composing long, thoughtful blog posts as well as e-mails.
Writing is a part of my core identity.
We purchased and began using a beautiful matched set of coffee mugs. Unfortunately, while nursing coffee around the kitchen and dining area
A sales-oriented business remains focused on the next deal and the opportunity it represents. This orientation is natural for start-ups goin
Today for the second time, I heard some one say, “In lieu of…” instead of “In light of…”.
This is baffling to me, because it m
Be sure to try out Pandora. It’s essentially a music referral service, fun and easy to use, and pretty
Another reason organizations fail to invest in innovations is the difficulty of forec
Some people think important subjects shouldn’t be made accessible to large audiences.