The Tale of Milind
Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Milind who grew wheat for a living. One year, there was a severe drought, and Milind was able to harvest only six bushels of wheat. One day, one of Milind’s friends came to him and said, “I need to buy two bushels of wheat.”
Milind said, “You are my friend. I will be happy to sell them to you.”
“I don’t have the money now,” said Milind’s friend, “but I will come back later.” So Milind set aside two bushels of wheat for his friend.
The next day, another one of Milind’s friends came to him and said, “I need to buy two bushels of wheat.”
Milind said, “You are my friend. I will be happy to sell them to you.”
“I don’t have the money now,” said Milind’s friend, “but I will come back later.” So Milind set aside two more bushels of wheat for his friend.
The next day, Milind’s best friend came to him and said, “I need to buy two bushels of wheat.”
Milind said, “You are my best friend. I will be happy to sell you my last two bushels.”
“I don’t have the money now,” said Milind’s best friend, “but I will come back later.” So Milind set aside his last two bushels of wheat.
Milind realized he had no more wheat left for himself. He had set aside all his wheat for his friends. Within two weeks, Milind died of starvation.
The day after Milind died, the first friend came by for his wheat. Since Milind was dead, he took it without paying.
Two days after Milind died, the second friend came by for his wheat. Since Milind was dead, he took it without paying.
Three days after Milind died, his best friend came by for his wheat. Since Milind was dead, he left the money on the coffee table.